We cast actors who can make you laugh, cry, or laugh until you cry.

Casting Director and Elevator founder Edward Flores has a passion for casting. He believes in story, character, comedic strength, dramatic subtlety and effortless naturalism. As a former member of The Groundlings Sunday Company, Edward’s foundation is improv.

While Elevator’s strength lies in comedy, our approach to drama is no different—the truth of the scene is all that matters. Every character carries an unspoken truth, and it is inspiring an actor to resist revealing this truth that makes for the strongest performance. We encourage all of our talent to make the strongest possible choice, but to deliver that choice in the smallest possible package. Therein lies the sweet spot.


When it comes to casting, an interesting look or a unique face is nice, but it's nothing if not fully supported by the work—work that is innately smart, strong and subtle. Our goal is to bring forth actors whose work serves the story in a naturalistic way.



Unbelievable situations,
honestly portrayed.


Finding the refreshing,
yet familiar face.


Making the most out of 15 to 30 moments...
or 60… sometimes 90.
